Wednesday, December 18, 2024

"Florigera rosis halo"

Wied Inċita green space opened to the public

A 20,000sqm space that was formerly part of the Wied Inċita nursery has been opened to the public, just two months after the Planning Authorities issued a permit to transform the site into a public green space.

That transformation is still a work in progress, with the Environment Ministry confirming on Wednesday that the inauguration marks “the first phase of a larger space planned to open to the public.”

Source: Newsbook 18/12/2024 
Read the full article here.

L-ewwel parti minn Wied Inċita li nfetaħ għall-pubbliku ġiet inawgurata llum mill-Ministru għall-Ambjent Miriam Dalli.
Permezz tax-xogħol li sar minn Ambjent Malta, parti minn Wied Inċita nbidlet f’park naturali għan-nies.
Din l-art ingħaddiet lill-konsorzju fl-2002 sabiex, fost oħrajn, ikunu jistgħu jkabbru turf u arbuxelli biex jintużaw f’xogħlijiet ta’ landscaping. Wara diskussjonijiet mal-konsorzju l-ġdid, il-GEB, intlaħaq ftehim sabiex din l-art, li kienet tifforma parti minn public-private partnership tkun tista’ tiġi riġenerata u tingħata lura lin-nies.

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Updated Noise Action Plan to assess health impacts of noise pollution

A public consultation has been launched to update Malta’s Noise Action Plan under the EU Environmental Noise Directive

A public consultation has been launched to update Malta’s Noise Action Plan (NAP) under the EU Environmental Noise Directive. Led by the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) in collaboration with the Ministry for the Environment, the update will include further studies on the health risks of prolonged noise exposure, focusing on issues such as ischaemic heart disease, sleep disturbances, and heightened levels of annoyance.

Read the full news article here
Source: Malta Today online, 7th Dec 2024

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Economy Housing market: Where is it the most expensive to buy in Europe?

EU house prices increased by 48% between 2010 and 2023, while housing costs, including paying for utilities skyrocketed in some member states, according to the latest report about housing in Europe by Eurostat.

People in Ireland battled the highest housing costs, including water, electricity and gas, in 2023, which was double the EU average, according to Eurostat. 

The second most expensive place was Luxembourg (86% above the EU average) followed by Denmark (80% above) last year.

Meanwhile, people in Bulgaria, and Poland had the cheapest housing in the bloc, with costs below the EU average by 61% and 56% respectively....

Source: Euronews 01/12/2024  

Doloresz Katanich

Full article link.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Central Bank of Malta issues November 2024 Economic Update

Annual growth in business activity stood close to its long-term average 

The Bank's Business Conditions Index shows that in October, annual growth in business activity rose marginally when compared with September and stood close to its historical average......

In September residential permits were above their year-ago level. In October, the number of residential promise-of-sale agreements were above those of a year earlier while the number of final deeds were below those of the same month a year ago.

Read Malta Central Bank's full update here



"Florigera rosis halo"

Wied Inċita green space opened to the public A 20,000sqm space that was formerly part of the Wied Inċita nursery has been opened to the publ...